Terms of Use

Terms of Use


These Terms of Use (the “Terms” or “Agreement”) set forth the terms and conditions under which individuals residing in the United States may use the HalalCare.org Site and/or the HalaCare.org Services (as defined below). Certain HalalCare.org Services are subject to additional policies, rules and terms and conditions, which you may be required to agree to as a condition of using those Services (“Additional Terms”). In those cases, the applicable Additional Terms are set forth in the printed or online Service materials relating to those Services.

Please read these Terms and any applicable Additional Terms before using the Site or the Services. By using the Site or the Services, you hereby represent, warrant, understand, agree to and accept these Terms and any applicable Additional Terms in their entirety whether or not you register as a user of the Site or Services (“Registered Users”)

  • These Terms include the HalaCare.org Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein. If you object to anything in these Terms, the Privacy Policy or any applicable Additional Terms, do not use the Site or the Services
  • These Terms are subject to change by HalalCare.org at any time, subject to the following notification process. We will notify you about material changes in these Terms by sending a notice to the email address registered in your account, or by placing a prominent notice on our Site, so that you can choose whether to continue using our Services. Material changes will go into effect no less than 30 days after we notify you. Non-material changes or clarifications will take effect immediately upon posting of the updated Terms on our Site. You should periodically check www.halacare.org/terms for updates. Any use of the Site or the Services by you after the effective date of any changes will constitute your acceptance of such changes. These Terms supersede all prior versions of the Terms.
Description of Services; Limitations; User Responsibilities
1.1 About Our Services

HalalCare.org offers various Services to help its users find, coordinate, and maintain quality care. The Services we offer include, among others:

  • We provide a platform for individuals seeking care services (such as individual or shared child care, senior care, tutoring and housekeeping services) and corporate care providers seeking to hire individual care providers (such as child centers, in-home care agencies, and senior living facilities) (each “Care Seekers”) to post jobs on the Site, and to search for, narrow, find, and communicate with individuals and entities who provide care services (“Care Providers”), and for Care Providers to post profiles on the Site and browse, search, and apply to jobs. We also provide functionality that allows Care Seekers to search for and message other Care Seekers to help facilitate shared child care services.
  • We provide tools and information to help Care Seekers and Care Providers make more informed decisions, such as (i) our Safety Center at http://www. HYPERLINK “http://www.halalcare.org/safetyl”halal HYPERLINK “http://www.halalcare.org/safetyl”care. HYPERLINK “http://www.halalcare.org/safetyl”org HYPERLINK “http://www.halalcare.org/safetyl”/safetyl which includes a safety guide and safety resources, (ii) verification dashboards on Care Provider profiles, which enable Care Seekers to check the status of a Care Provider’s various verifications, and (iii) a process for Care Seekers to obtain background check reports from third-party consumer reporting agencies on individual Care Providers who consent to the running and sharing of those reports.

We provide an online community for Registered Users to communicate and share information with other Registered Users who share a common interest or bond.

1.2. Limitations of our Services

We offer Services to help our users find, coordinate, and maintain care for their families. However, except where specifically provided in these Terms, in any applicable Additional Terms, or on the Site itself.

Care Seeker and Care Provider content is primarily user generated. We do not control or vet user-generated content for accuracy, and we do not assume and expressly disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information provided by Care Providers or Care Seekers on or off the Site. We do not assume and expressly disclaim any liability that may result from the use of information provided on our Site.

We do not refer or recommend Care Seekers or Care Providers, nor do we make any representations about the suitability, reliability, timeliness, or accuracy of the services provided by Care Providers or the integrity, responsibility or actions of Care Seekers or Care Providers whether in public, private or offline interactions. Any screening of a Care Seeker or Care Provider and his, her or its information by Care.com is limited and should not be taken as complete, accurate, up-to-date or conclusive of the individual’s or entity’s suitability as an employer or care provider.

  • We are not an employment agency, and we do not secure or procure employees for any Care Seekers, nor do we secure or procure opportunities for employment for any Care Providers.
  • We do not control, monitor, supervise, or oversee the quality, timing, hours, pay, legality, or any other aspect of services delivered by Care Providers, nor do we require Care Providers to accept or work any jobs or deliver any services at all.
  • We do not provide any medical, diagnostic, treatment or clinical service or engage in any conduct that requires a professional license.
  • We may offer certain Registered Users the opportunity to verify certain information such as their email address, cell phone number, or, in the case of childcare centers, their state license information. If we indicate that certain information has been verified, it means that the user has complied with the process we have established for verifying such information. However, we do not guarantee, nor do we represent or warrant, that the information is accurate or that it belongs to the Registered User who supplied it.
  • Please review carefully the Release of Liability Form Third-Party Content and Conduct that appears in S below for important limitations on halalcare.org’s liability to which you are agreeing by using the Site and Services.
1.3. User Responsibilities

Registered Users are solely responsible for interviewing, vetting, performing background and reference checks on, verifying information provided by, and selecting an appropriate Care Seeker or Care Provider for themselves or their family.

Eligibility to Use the Site and Services

By requesting to use, registering to use and/or using the Site or the Services, you represent and warrant that you have the right, authority and capacity to enter into these Terms and you commit to abide by all of the terms and conditions hereof. You also represent and warrant that you meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • You intend to use the Site and Services solely for the purpose of finding or managing care or care-related jobs, or for finding or sharing information relating to care.
  • Our Services are available only to individuals who are eighteen (18) years of age or older. If you do not meet this age requirement, do not register to use the Site or Services.
  • The Site and the Services are currently available only to individuals who reside legally in the United States or the territory of Puerto Rico. If you reside outside the United States or Puerto Rico, visit our Site homepage for a listing of other countries where our subsidiaries or affiliates offer similar services.
  • If you are registering to be a Care Provider, you must be permitted to legally work within the United States or Puerto Rico.
  • Neither you nor any member of your household may have ever been:
  • i. the subject of a conviction, arrest, charge, complaint, restraining order or any other legal action involving:

    • any felony;
    • any other criminal offense involving violence, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect, or theft, drugs, or
    • any offense, violation, or unlawful act that involves endangering the safety of others, fraud, dishonesty, or reckless or negligent conduct.

    registered, or currently required to register, as a sex offender with any government entity.

    • You must not be a competitor of HalalCare.org or using our Services for reasons that are in competition with HalalCare.org
    • If you are an individual Care Seeker you must not have had fifteen or more employees for each working day in each of twenty or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding calendar year (or five or more if you are seeking services in the State of California).
    • If you provide child care services in the State of Kansas, you must not be a licensed day care provider or provide your services outside the child’s home.
Rules for User Conduct and Use of Services
3.1. Registration, Posting, and Content Restrictions

The following rules pertain to “Content”, defined as any communications, images, sounds, videos, and all the material, data, and information that you upload or transmit through the Site or Services, whether to Care.com or to other Registered Users or Site Visitors, or that other users upload or transmit, including without limitation any content, messages, photos, audios, videos, reviews or profiles that you publish or display (hereinafter, “post”):

  • Any Content that you post, upload or transmit to or through the Site or Services is solely for the purpose of finding or managing care or care-related jobs, or for finding or sharing information relating to care.
  • You are responsible for providing accurate, current and complete information in connection with your registration for use of the Site and the Services.
  • You will register your account in your own legal name, even if you are seeking care for another individual or family member.
  • Unless otherwise permitted by HalalCare.org, all Content you post will be in English as the Site and Services generally are not supported in any other languages.
  • You are solely responsible for any Content that you post on the Site or transmit to other users of the Site. You will not post on the Site, or transmit to other users, any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, offensive, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, defamatory, racially offensive, or illegal material, or any material that infringes or violates another party’s rights (including, but not limited to, intellectual property rights, and rights of privacy and publicity), or advocate, promote or assist any unlawful act such as (by way of example only) copyright infringement or computer misuse, or give the impression that any Content emanates from HalalCare.org where this is not the case. You will not provide inaccurate, misleading, defamatory or false information to HalalCare.org or to any other user of the Site, and all opinions stated as part of Content must be genuinely held. Without limiting the foregoing, you represent and warrant to us that you have the right and authority to post all information you post about yourself or others, including without limitation that you have authorization from a parent or guardian of any minor who is the subject of any Content you post to post such Content.
  • You understand and agree that HalalCare.org may, in its sole discretion, review, edit, and delete any Content, in each case in whole or in part, that in the sole judgment of Care.com violates these Terms or which Care.com determines in its sole discretion might be offensive, inappropriate, illegal, or that might violate the rights, harm, or threaten the safety of users of the Site or others.
  • You have the right, and hereby grant, to HalalCare.org, its Affiliates, licensees and successors, an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully paid-up, transferable, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, reproduce, adapt, modify and distribute your Content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing. You further represent and warrant that public posting and use of your Content by HalalCare.org will not infringe or violate the rights of any third party.
  • Your use of the Services, including but not limited to the Content you post on the Site, must be in accordance with any and all applicable laws and regulations.
  • We welcome your feedback and questions about the Site and Services. However, you agree that any comments, ideas, messages, questions, suggestions, or other communications you send to us or share with us through any channel (including, without limitation, the Site, email, telephone, surveys, and our social media accounts) shall be and remain the exclusive property of HalalCare.org and we may use all such communications, all without notice to, consent from, or compensation to you.

As Care Seeker and Care Provider Content is primarily user generated, we do not control or vet such Content for accuracy, and we do not assume and expressly disclaim any responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any Content provided by Care Providers or Care Seekers on or off the Site, including any Content that may include misstatements or misrepresentations or that may be defamatory or disparaging. Users hereby represent, understand and agree to hold HalalCare.org harmless for any misstatement’s misrepresentations, or other disparaging or defamatory statements made by or on behalf of them on this Site or in any other venue.

Opinions, advice, statements, offers, or other information or content made available on the Site or through the Site, but not directly by HalalCare.org, are those of their respective authors. Such authors are solely responsible for such content. HalalCare.org does not: (i) guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information on the Site or available through the Service, or (ii) adopt, endorse or accept responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made by any party that appears on the Site or through the Service. Under no circumstances will HalalCare.org or its Affiliates be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from: (a) your reliance on information or other content posted on the Site or transmitted to or by any user of the Site or Service; or (b) reviews or comments made about you on the Site by other users.

You agree that HalaCare.org has no obligation to remove any reviews or other information posted on the Site about you or any other person or entity. If you disagree with a review, you may post one rebuttal to the review, provided your rebuttal complies with these Terms. You may not terminate your registration and re-register in order to prevent a review from being associated with your account. The author of a review can always remove or request removal of a review they have written

3.2. Exclusive Use

If you are a Care Seeker, you may use your account only to find care for yourself, your parents, your children, your grandchildren, individuals for whom you are otherwise the legal guardian, or children of another Care Seeker with whom you are entering a shared child care arrangement. If you are a Care Provider, you may use your account only to find care jobs for yourself. You are responsible for all activity on and use of your account, and you may not assign or otherwise transfer your account to any other person or entity.

3.3. Prohibited Uses

By using the Site or Services of HalalCare.org, you agree that you will not under any circumstances:

  • use the Site, Services, or any information contained therein in any way that is abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory, libelous, or racially, sexually, religiously, or otherwise objectionable or offensive;
  • use the Site or Services for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, for any purpose unrelated to care or caregiving, or for any other purpose not expressly intended by HalalCare.org;
  • harass, abuse or harm another person or group, or attempt to do so;
  • use another user’s HalalCare.org account;
  • provide false or inaccurate information when registering an account on Halalcare.org, using the Services or communicating with other Registered Users;
  • attempt to re-register with HalalCare.org if we have terminated your account for any or no reason or terminate your registration and re-register in order to prevent a review from being associated with your account;
  • interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper functioning of HalalCare.org’s Services;
  • make any automated use of the system, or take any action that we deem to impose or to potentially impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our servers or network infrastructure;
  • bypass any robot exclusion headers or other measures we take to restrict access to the Service or use any software, technology, or device to scrape, spider, or crawl the Service or harvest or manipulate data (whether manually or through automated means);
  • use the communication systems provided by or contacts made on Halalcare.org for any commercial solicitation purposes other than those expressly permitted by HalalCare.org’s;
  • publish or link to malicious content intended to damage or disrupt another user’s browser or computer.
  • In order to protect our users from prohibited activity, we reserve the right to take appropriate actions, including but not limited to restricting the amount of messages a user may send in any 24-hour period to an amount which we deem appropriate in our sole discretion.

Should HalalCare.org find that you violated the terms of this Section or any terms stated herein, HalalCare.org reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately terminate your use of the Site and Services. By using the Site and/or Services, you agree that HalalCare.org may assess, and you will be obligated to pay, $1,000 per each day that you: (i) maintain Care Provider or Care Seeker information (including but not limited to, names, addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses) or copyrighted material that you scraped (either directly or indirectly in a manual or automatic manner) from the Site, or (ii) otherwise mis-use or mis-appropriate Site Content, including but not limited to, use on a “mirrored”, competitive, or third party site. This obligation shall be in addition to any other rights HalalCare.org may have under these Terms or applicable law. Further, in order to protect the integrity of the Site and the Services, Care.com reserves the right at any time in its sole discretion to block users from certain IP addresses from accessing the Site.


HalalCare.org May Regularly Verify Your Identity and the Accuracy of Your Representations and Warranties

By registering as a Care Provider or Care Seeker, and, if applicable to you as a Care Provider, subject to your additional authorization, you authorize HalalCare.org, and acknowledge that for purposes of promoting the safety and integrity of its Site and Service, HalalCare.org reserves the right, but not the obligation, to utilize third party service providers to verify on an ongoing basis that your registration data is accurate and that the representations and warranties in Section 2 above addressing legal matters such as complaints, arrests, sex offender status, etc. are also true (“Verification Checks”). These third parties may use data from a variety of sources, under a variety of circumstances, for these site safety purposes including, without limitation, information from national criminal databases, sex offender registries, certain media streams, terrorist watch lists, criminal and fugitive watch lists, fraud watch lists, law enforcement reports, and other data.

You agree that HalalCare.org may take such action in response to Verification Checks as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion, including without limitation suspending and/or terminating your membership, should it determine that you have violated any representation or warranty or any other provision of these Terms or are otherwise unsuitable for HalalCare.org

You also hereby represent, understand and expressly agree that HalalCare.org does not have control over or assume any responsibility for the quality, accuracy, or reliability of the information included in a Verification Check. We do not typically communicate the results of a Verification Check to any third party, though we reserve the right to do so for law enforcement or other safety-related purposes in accordance with applicable laws.


HalalCare.org reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to immediately terminate your access to all or part of the HalalCare.org Site and/or Services, to remove your profile and/or any content posted by or about you from the Site, and/or to terminate your account with HalalCare.org, with or without notice for any reason or no reason in its sole discretion, including without limitation if HalalCare.org should determine that you are not eligible to use the Services, have violated any terms stated herein or in any of the Additional Terms, are not suitable for participation as a Registered User, have mis-used or mis-appropriated Site content, including but not limited to use on a “mirrored,” competitive, or third-party site. Upon termination, HalalCare.org shall be under

no obligation to provide you with a copy of any content posted by or about you on the Site. If we terminate your registration, we have no obligation to notify you of the reason, if any, for your termination.

You understand and agree that, following any termination of any individual’s use of the Site or the Services, HalalCare.org has the right, but not the obligation, to send a notice of such termination to other Registered Users with whom we believe the individual has corresponded. Our decision to terminate an individual’s registration and/or to notify other Registered Users with whom we believe the individual has corresponded does not constitute,and should not be interpreted or used as information bearing on, the individual’s character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living.

Age Restrictions

HalalCare.org is intended for people 18 or over. HalalCare.org will not knowingly collect any information from individuals under 13. Should we determine that you do not meet the age requirements for using our Site or Services, your registration will be terminated immediately.

Assumption of Risk

While HalalCare.org takes certain steps to help promote the safety of our Site and Services, finding care or care-related jobs via an online platform like ours comes with certain inherent risks. We do not provide any training, supervision, or monitoring of Care Seekers or Care Providers, and we cannot guarantee that all of your interactions with other Registered Users, site visitors, their families, or others associated with them, will always be 100% safe and respectful. You agree to assume all risks when using the Site and the Services, including but not limited to injury, illness, death, and all other risks associated with any online or offline interactions with users of the Site or the Services. You also agree not to rely solely on steps HalalCare.org may take to vet or screen Care Providers or Care Seekers and/or their Content, or otherwise to promote the safety of the Site and Services. You further agree to take all necessary precautions, including but not limited to reviewing the recommendations set forth in HalalCare.org’s, when interacting with other site visitors, Registered Users, their families, and others associated with them.

Limitation of Liability

Incidental Damages and Aggregate Liability. In no event will HalalCare.org be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses arising out of or relating to the use or inability to use the Site or Services, including without limitation damages related to any information received from the Site or Services, removal of content from the Site, including profile information, any email distributed to any user or any linked web site or use thereof or inability to use by any party, or in connection with any termination of your subscription or ability to access the Site or Services, failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure, even if Care.com, or representatives thereof, are advised of the possibility of such damages, losses or expenses. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL HalalCARE.org’S AGGREGATE LIABILITY, IN ANY FORM OF ACTION WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR THE USE OF THE SERVICES OR THE SITE, EXCEED THE PRICE PAID BY YOU FOR YOUR ACCOUNT, OR, IF YOU HAVE NOT PAID CARE.COM FOR THE USE OF ANY SERVICES

Safety overview
We background check all caregivers

During our screening process, all caregivers are required to complete our background check – CareCheck – to join our platform. All caregivers then have a CareCheck badge on their profile, which displays the date the CareCheck was run. CareCheck includes:

CareCheck includes:

  • Social Security number trace
  • National sex offender public website search
  • Multi-jurisdictional criminal database search
  • Federal and county criminal records search

CareCheck is a great start. But we spanly recommend families run checks of their own to make the best hiring decisions. We offer a suite of additional background check options for purchase, including a Criminal+ Motor Vehicle Records check. When you run an additional check, you get access to the full report so you can make the best hiring decision for your family.

Steps to hiring safely

Be clear on your needs to caregiver

Outline job requirements

Check references and background checks,

Take the time and reach out to references, we cannot emphasis this enough.

Read reviews on posts on caregivers

Conduct independent background checks

Community Guidelines

Be respectful

Be honest

Be safe

Be fair

Be accountable